The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
Nov 09 2016
IRAN: Early Day Motion EDM 448 Needs Our Support

IRAN: Early Day Motion EDM 448 Needs Our Support

Can you help Sir David Amess get as many signatures for his EDM as possible?

Parliamentarians at the BPCIF meeting on 20 October stated that public opinion needs to be mobilised to get behind the worldwide campaign to stop executions in Iran and bring the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre to justice.

To help persuade the Government to recognise the strength of public and parliamentary concern with this, an Early Day Motion on ‘The death of political prisoners in 1988’ has been tabled in parliament.  You can read it at:

Can we ask you write to your MP asking that he or she signs it so that it gets a chance of being debated in the House.  We have composed a sample letter that you can use and send easily - do feel free to add to or modify it.

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3  signatures so far
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