The Link For Freedom Foundation campaigns to assist Iranian supporters of the third way, achieve peaceful democratic change for the better in Iran. These organisations are in turn supported by International Parliamentarians, current and former Ambassadors, and Military Organisations familiar with events on the ground in Iran and the wider Middle East.
Iran: The UN Resolutions

Campaign to refer Iran to UN Security Council


Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his government

F O R :
  • serious concern at the alarming number of executions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, almost 1,000 in 2014
  • violence against women, acid attacks, beatings
  • custodial deaths
  • discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities
  • ill treatment of prisoners by prison officials
  • imprisonment, of journalists, harassment, and attacks on them by security forces
  • repressing human rights defenders and other activists
  • judiciary blocking many social media platforms and websites whilst making them available to government
There has been a TOTAL FAILURE by this regime to respond, to UN or any other pressure, to stop their murderous enterprise against Iranian citizens.

Below, you can join our campaign to MPs supporting the call by the British Parliamentary Committee on Iran Freedom, (BPCIF), for the referral of Iran's abysmal human rights record to the UN Security Council for punitive measures and prosecutions of regime's rulers including the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in an international tribunal, for decades of systematic human rights violations.

UN Resolutions and Situation Reports to date

There are nine UN Security Council Resolutions in legal force and underpinning sanctions against the Iranian regime's misadventures into nuclear weaponry.

There are seven UN Situation Reports, one Interim Report, and six accepted General Assembly Resolutions regarding the regime's atrocious human rights record going back to 2008.  Yet unlike the Nuclear development program, NONE of these have been referred by Governments to the UN Security Council for a vote.  The time has come to challenge this injustice.

With executions and violent suppression rates soaring in 2014 we are calling for these hard fought for Resolutions and Reports to be given the binding strength of international law by referring them to the 15 member Security Council..

Why are we supporting the call for the referral?

General Assembly resolutions are generally non-binding towards member states.  These can be ignored.  Resolutions by the Security Council are legally binding if they are made under Chapter VII (Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression) of the Charter.  These are rather less easy to ignore.

An opportune moment to join in

For the next 12 months all 5 Permanent members of the UN Security Council, UK, USA, France, China and Russia, as well as Germany, the  +1 - as in the often seen P5+1, - are also members of the UN Human Rights Council.  The USA and Germany stand down in 2015, the rest in 2016. 

It is very unusual for all the Permanent 5 (let alone the +1) who carry the greatest responsibility for the United Nations by definition to also be together on the Human Rights Council.

Evidence Bundle:

Please follow THIS LINK to the UN original documents Evidence Bundle, example regime replies, and link to all regime replies, and how to support our campaign.

Join our campaign today

Follow THIS LINK to view our campaign and see how to add your voice by writing to your MP. 

With hope.

Link for Freedom

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